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NANO Corp. has been recognized as a Deep Tech company by BPI.

فانش فرانسيس
مارس 24, 2022
شعار لينكد إن إنشعار X

NANO Corp. Joins the DeepTech Club

NANO Corp. has been recognized as a Deep Tech company by BPI. Beyond financial aid, this recognition by a panel of network experts reinforces the decision taken by the founders of Nano Corp to always be at the forefront of research in the field of network security. This support will be used for the development of the virtual version of our solution based on the n-Probe, the most efficient software probe on the market. This ambitious development program launched at the beginning of the year is already yielding conclusive results in terms of throughput. This virtual offer will complement the Network Operation Center as a Service (NOCaaS) offer already supported by our software probes coupled with a cloud offer. For this project, our R&D efforts will focus on some of the most advanced advancements in the field of network technologies, such as SR-IOV, OVS-DPDK, and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). These research efforts will be coupled with developments aimed at optimizing the routing and analysis of network packets with developments around Direct Memory Access (DMA/RDMA) and Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures. Finally, we will explore data reduction techniques for network data through the innovative application of algorithmic processes like punching applied to network data. With this technological advancement, it will soon be possible to provide a completely virtual NOCaaS offer for all companies whose infrastructure is on the cloud.

فانش فرانسيس
مارس 24, 2022
شعار لينكد إن إنشعار X

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